Lupus also called systemic lupus erythematous disease (SLE), is a autoimmune condition in which a patient’s immune system loses its ability to distinguish between disease-causing foreign bodies and naturally occurring human tissues (Self). Our All Natural LUPUS BUSTER KIT will help eliminate the buildup of toxins and assist in the restoration your body to its optimum state if followed as instructed. (***A plant based diet is recommended for best results***)
Order your Wholistic LUPUS BUSTER KIT today and take the POWER OF WHOLISTIC RESTORATION into your hands!
Some of the Symptoms of Lupus:
Recurrent Fever Spells, Skin Rash, Joint Pain and Swelling, Mouth or Nose Ulcers, Hair Loss, Chest Pain and Breathing Problems, Kidney Infections, Gastrointestinal Problems, Dry Mouth, Dry Eyes, etc.
Wholistic LUPUS BUSTER KIT includes the following:
1 ALFALFA (Blood Builder & Balancer) 3 per day.
1 C.K.L.S. (Colon Kidney Liver Spleen) 3 per day.
1 FE-Y (Nerves and Cellular Rejuvenation) 3 per day.
1 C-1 (Reverses Abnormal Cell Growth) 3 per day.
1 4-PG (Multi Vitamin To Aid Regeneration) 3 per day.
1 The Natural Way Booklet (Black & White) – BONUS Educational Item.